once upon a time...
...there was a girl who loved stories. Since stories can be held in books, this meant she loved books. One year, she read more than 365 books!
She didn't just love to read stories. She also loved to make them up. She made up long stories and told them to her brothers to get them to do her chores for her. Sometimes she would write her stories down or record them on cassette tapes (this was before the days of CDs). She loved making her own pictures with a pen, pencil, or with paint. Sometimes her drawings and paintings didn't turn out the way she wanted it to. Drawing and painting well takes a lot of practice over time - but she thought it was fun and kept doing it. When she got a digital camera, she started taking lots of pictures. Everywhere she went she took photos - especially photos of insects. What is this girl doing now? The things she loves. Writing, drawing, painting, and taking photographs. Why not check and see what she's up to? |