If only it was easy to insert Spanish into your daily life...
You have so many things that require your time and attention. Wouldn't it be great to just have bite-size chunks that you could immediately use? Phrases and vocabulary that immediately fit into your life, that you and your family can use NOW instead of some unknown day in the future that might never come?
But I don't know any Spanish!
It can be intimidating to try to teach something you don't know yourself or that you only fuzzily remember from your own childhood. With Gobble-Gobble Spanish, you don't have to know any Spanish at all. You'll discover that, after watching the videos and practicing with the materials, you can comfortably use the phrases and vocabulary not just during practice sessions, but also on the spur of the moment with your family and others both at home and away.
The Gobble-Gobble Spanish Course focuses on Spanish you can use now.
The center pillars of each lesson are easy-to-use phrases adaptable to your family's daily life. Phrases you are already using in English before bed, during meals, or as part of your Thanksgiving celebrations that can turn into moments to use and practice Spanish. Phrases that support your other goals and hopes for your family, that start conversations at the dinner table, that model having a grateful spirit, and that help your children be polite when interacting with others.
It's family-centered Spanish...
The phrases and activities are flexible for multiple age groups and the vocabulary lists include both key phrases which everyone should learn and supplemental words and phrases for those who are looking for a more intense experience or challenge. Activity suggestions are varied so that you'll be successful regardless of your family structure, learning style, and language-learning confidence-level. (The ability to read or at the very least recognize letters is assumed in the videos but within your family you can definitely include any non-readers!)
This isn't your traditional Spanish class...but it might become part of your Thanksgiving tradition!
If you are looking for a traditional grammar-based class, this isn't for you. There are some grammar notes, but only in passing. There are written activities you can do, but the focus is on the conversations you can have with your family members by using these phrases and the written activities are just there to help and aid you, for example, if that's your learning style or if you want to encourage writing as a family. There are occasional cultural notes, but it isn't a culture class either. Nor is it a class on travel Spanish. You won't learn how to book a hotel, talk about pets, cars, or elephants.
What is it then?
You have so many things that require your time and attention. Wouldn't it be great to just have bite-size chunks that you could immediately use? Phrases and vocabulary that immediately fit into your life, that you and your family can use NOW instead of some unknown day in the future that might never come?
But I don't know any Spanish!
It can be intimidating to try to teach something you don't know yourself or that you only fuzzily remember from your own childhood. With Gobble-Gobble Spanish, you don't have to know any Spanish at all. You'll discover that, after watching the videos and practicing with the materials, you can comfortably use the phrases and vocabulary not just during practice sessions, but also on the spur of the moment with your family and others both at home and away.
The Gobble-Gobble Spanish Course focuses on Spanish you can use now.
The center pillars of each lesson are easy-to-use phrases adaptable to your family's daily life. Phrases you are already using in English before bed, during meals, or as part of your Thanksgiving celebrations that can turn into moments to use and practice Spanish. Phrases that support your other goals and hopes for your family, that start conversations at the dinner table, that model having a grateful spirit, and that help your children be polite when interacting with others.
It's family-centered Spanish...
The phrases and activities are flexible for multiple age groups and the vocabulary lists include both key phrases which everyone should learn and supplemental words and phrases for those who are looking for a more intense experience or challenge. Activity suggestions are varied so that you'll be successful regardless of your family structure, learning style, and language-learning confidence-level. (The ability to read or at the very least recognize letters is assumed in the videos but within your family you can definitely include any non-readers!)
This isn't your traditional Spanish class...but it might become part of your Thanksgiving tradition!
If you are looking for a traditional grammar-based class, this isn't for you. There are some grammar notes, but only in passing. There are written activities you can do, but the focus is on the conversations you can have with your family members by using these phrases and the written activities are just there to help and aid you, for example, if that's your learning style or if you want to encourage writing as a family. There are occasional cultural notes, but it isn't a culture class either. Nor is it a class on travel Spanish. You won't learn how to book a hotel, talk about pets, cars, or elephants.
What is it then?
- A month-long course focusing specifically on how to express thanks in Spanish and about conversations relating to Thanksgiving customs you probably are already having in English.
- Detailed video or interactive slide-show introductions to vocabulary and phrases that include audio.
- Printable learning aids.
- Detailed explanations and sufficient practice leading to you being able to have real world, unaided conversations with your family members.
- A space for you to share your success stories and ask questions.
But what will I be able to do?
Learning a language isn't about vocabulary lists and example sentences. It's about what you do with that vocabulary and those example sentences. Here are a couple of the things you'll be able to do:
Learning a language isn't about vocabulary lists and example sentences. It's about what you do with that vocabulary and those example sentences. Here are a couple of the things you'll be able to do:
- Tell the usually under-appreciated cook, "How delicious! Thank you for the food!"
- Sit around the Thanksgiving table and share what you are thankful for.
- Create bilingual thank you cards.
- Keep a gratitude journal in Spanish.
- Discover that someone in your family has been pretending all these years and doesn't really like one of your traditional Thanksgiving foods.
What will it require from me?
- How much time? Becoming bilingual is a tremendous gift in today's global society, but it isn't something you can successfully do by compartmentalizing your language learning. If you want to succeed, you need to make the phrases and vocabulary part of your day-to-day life, not something you just check off and forget about until the next day. My expectation is that a focused learning session will take about 15 minutes but that you'll also be using the phrases outside of those learning sessions as part of your ordinary conversation and activity. Since different people learn at different paces and there is a lot of flexibility when it comes to which practice activities (and how many) you chose to do, you may find that it takes you more time or less time. You can get a good gauge of the time you'll require when you do the first lesson.
- What sort of computer set-up? You'll need regular internet access and a decent computer that you / someone in your family is comfortable using. Ask yourself if you can do the following...if the answer is "yes" then you'll be fine: Can you watch and listen to videos on YouTube? Can you make posts on Facebook? Can you download documents when you need to? Can you open PowerPoints and click through them? Can you print in black and white? If you have the ability to record audio (perhaps via a microphone built into your computer or maybe just via a pocket camera that does video) that is an added bonus because if you have questions about something, you can record yourself, upload it, and get feedback.
- Any other materials? I'm going to assume that you have paper and pencils/pens available during all learning sessions just so you can jot notes / follow along on paper / test yourself. I'm also going to assume that somewhere in the house you have something that writes in color (colored pencils, markers, etc.) and other basic office supplies along the lines of tape, scissors, etc. Some people might want to laminate or coat some pages / activities with Contact paper - but if that tends to be something you like to do, you've probably already got the supplies on hand!
What you get:
An Important Note:
Whether you choose to just take the Gobble-Gobble Spanish class or you snatch up those printable supplements along with the class, I want to make sure it will fit your family's needs. Because of that, the first lesson is available to you for free (including the extra Supplemental Activities). The only thing you won't have access to is the actual class Facebook page...that's only for paid enrollees. Test everything out, see how it goes, and make sure the class will be valuable for you and your family before you pay or fully commit!
Whether you choose to just take the Gobble-Gobble Spanish class or you snatch up those printable supplements along with the class, I want to make sure it will fit your family's needs. Because of that, the first lesson is available to you for free (including the extra Supplemental Activities). The only thing you won't have access to is the actual class Facebook page...that's only for paid enrollees. Test everything out, see how it goes, and make sure the class will be valuable for you and your family before you pay or fully commit!